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Version: Anvil (1.9)

Installing Codezero

Codezero's developer tools help in the development and testing of Kubernetes applications through a Command Line Interface (CLI) and a Desktop application.

To install the full Desktop application and CLI, visit our Getting Started page, and install the appropriate installer for your Operating System.

Alternatively, to install Codezero via the command line, run:

curl -L | /bin/bash

If you want to play around with pre-releases, you can install canary releases using: curl -sL | /bin/bash -s -- canary. A word of caution, however, as canary releases have not been fully tested and may cause unexpected behavior.


Codezero requires:

  • MacOS or Ubuntu 18.x+ to run the full Desktop GUI
  • MacOS, Linux, or Windows 10+ with WSL2 to run the CLI (czctl)
  • sudo/root permissions on your local system

Running the Codezero CLI on Windows requires WSL2. Instructions on setting up WSL2 can be found here.

The Desktop GUI is currently unavailble on Windows/WSL2. We expect to address this soon, as WSLg, becomes more common.

Install Only the Codezero CLI

If you are in a headless environment, or don't want to install the Desktop GUI, you can run:

curl -sL | /bin/bash

to install a headless version of the tool, which only includes the czctl CLI and background services.

Installing a Specific Version

If you want to install a specific version of our CLI or reinstall an older you can run:

curl -sL | /bin/bash -s -- 1.6.0

Older releases might contain bugs that have since been fixed. We always recomend running the lastest version of both our CLI and Desktop products. Additonally, before opening any bug reports, please update the latest stable release. If you still encouter an issue, please report it on our public roadmap.

Canary vs Stable Releases

We are constantly adding new features and addressing issues. As a result, we strive to have a fairly rapid release of our tools. There are times when we want to get your feedback on new features or issues. This is particularly important when there are scenarios that are difficult for us to reproduce. For this reason, we have split our releases into Stable and Canary releases.

You can tell Stable versus Canary releases by the version numbers. Canary releases have pre-release labels in the semantic versions (e.g. 1.3.1-alpha.0 vs 1.3.1). In the previous example, 1.3.1 would be considered the latest Stable release until 1.3.2 is published.


Canary releases are used for internal testing however, you are welcome to try them out. Please note that Canary releases have generally undergone light testing and may contain instabilities or features that are a work-in-progress.


Canary release may contain security vulnerabilities or may result in loss of data. Please do not use these releases on important clusters (e.g. your primary development cluster) and we do not recommend you make Canary releases available in your organization apart from testing.

We welcome feedback and bug reports related to Canary releases.

Canary Installation

If you'd like to try out pre-release builds, you can upgrade to the latest Canary release with:

curl -L | /bin/bash -s -- canary


In contrast to Canary releases, Stable releases have undergone our normal testing but may contain features that are explicitly marked Preview. Preview features may still be a work-in-progress but should be considered stable for use.